Sabah was where the memories started. My teammates and I went there for our tennis ranking tournament on an Air Asia plane. AirAsia provided good service which satisfied us because the food was delicious and the cabin crew was friendly. Our trip took about a few hours. After we arrived at the airport, we hired Grab cars to take us to our hotel in Kota Kinabalu.
When we arrived at our hotel, the staff served us with a smile and helped us with our luggage. The apartment we rented was pretty, tidy, and big. I really liked the place where my teammates and I stayed at because the place combined hotel rooms and apartments. The rooms were at the lower-levels, near to the swimming pool, while the apartments were higher up and we could enjoy the beautiful scenery.
My teammates unpacked our stuff and took a break. In the evening, we went to a nearby supermarket to buy some groceries. During our trip to Sabah, we could cook in the kitchen provided in our apartment.
At the tournament venue in the next morning, the tennis courts were in a good condition. We registered to confirm our participation and were so excited to meet our opponents. Some of them were friendly while a few were not. Nonetheless, we were happy because we could have a healthy tournament together.
I got third place in the double and single category which came with a nice medal and certificate. My teammates and I shared what we had, laughed, and enjoyed the game even though we did not win the tournament.
A notable moment was when we saw a young man wearing his traditional clothes. The clothes were unique, pretty, and attracted many people. We approached and took some photos with him immediately.
In conclusion, I hope that, after I get my own job, I can go to Sabah again. Sabah was a wonderful place and I had a very interesting trip. In addition, the people there were very friendly to visitors. As a result, this was an unforgettable trip for me.
Shlle Anak Joseph is a unique name given by my daddy. Sometimes, it is hard for people around me to pronounce my name at first. My sport is tennis. Our head coach’s name is Stevie Din and his assistant is Resa Billie. My ambition is to be a great teacher and an excellent tennis coach, just like Coach Stevie.
Story is inspiring and invigorating. Well structured paragraph. Well done