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Remembering Our Trip - Audrea Flennysha Jackie

It was the last day of school for 2019. My classmates and I were starting a long holiday but we had different plans. We were either returning to our villages to meet our grandparents or having family trips. My family actually planned to do both.

First of all, my father bought us a ticket to Santubong Embang Waterfall, Kuching and we decided to have the family trip on the 29th of November. We would use a bus for our trip so it would be so much fun. My father told us that we would go back to his village two weeks before our trip to Santubong Waterfall.

We sang along on the way to our village. At the village, we had lots of activities to do such as cleaning the house, having a barbecue, fishing, and more. It was a long time since we last visited our grandparents and they looked so happy every time they saw us.

One morning, I was bored so I went to check if their were any interesting things in my parents' room. When I stumbled across our ticket, I suddenly remembered our trip to Santubong Waterfall. I checked my phone and realized that day was the 29th of November!

I rushed to my father and told him that we forgot about our trip. It was 12 o'clock when my father told my grandparents that we were going back to the city because of the trip. The journey back would take 3 hours by bus, but buses were only available in the morning. It was already 5 o'clock when we got to the bus station.

My father told us that we had to cancel the trip because we could not arrive in time. We sadly went back home because that was the first time we had forgotten a trip. We wasted a lot of money on the ticket.


Audrea Flennysha Anak Jackie is from Serian, Sarawak, and a Form 5 student at SMK Tabuan Jaya. In 2021, she is also the President of the English Language Society and in charge of the Writing Mentors program. Always striving to achieve her dreams, she dreams of being a police officer and lighten the burden of her father one day.



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